Wake Forest Cougar Battalion

Male Uniforms
JROTC Overview
Mission of JROTC
Focus of JROTC
Program Information
Cougar Battalion History
Cadences (2)
JROTC Cadet Creed
Flag Information
Wake Forest Rolesville JROTC Uniform Policy
Male Uniforms
Female Uniforms
Uniform Inspection Grading Sheet
Appropriate Wear of the Uniform
Cadet Rank Structure
Cadet Command
Unit Awards
Shoulder Cords
Cadet of the week
Drill Team
Color Guard
Rifle Team
Saber Team
Cougar Battalion Instructors
Battalion Photos
Raider Team

Male Uniforms

Clean cut hair cuts, off ears and collar.
A clean shaved face; mustaches should not be any wider than the width of the mouth.
No side burns.
No earrings worn with uniform.
Only black socks should be worn with the uniform.
Allowed only one ring per hand.

Class B


Board Rank: On shoulder tabs.

Name Tags: Centered between the top of the pocket and the pocket button.

Ribbons: Centered on the pocket and stacked up from the top of the pocket.

Star: 1/4 inch above the top of the pocket and centered (left-right) with the pocket.

Wreath: 1/8 inch above the top of the pocket and centered (left-right) with the pocket.  The star is worn inside the wreath.

School Crest: Centered (left-right) with the pocket and centered between the bottom of the pocket flap and the bottom of the pocket.

Pins: Centered between the bottom of the pocket flap and the bottom of the pocket.  Each pin should be 1/4 inch apart from each other.

Cords: A maximum of two cords can be worn.  If one is worn, it goes on the left.  If two are worn, the highest goes on the left.


Class A


Rank: 1/2 inch from the edge of the shoulder seam.  Arrows always point towards collar.

School Shoulder Patch: Centered on shoulder sleeve.  1/2 inch down from the shoulder seam.

JROTC Shoulder Patch: Centered on shoulder sleeve.  1/2 inch down from the shoulder seam.

Star: 1/4 inch above the top of the pocket.  Centered (left-right) with the pocket.

Academic Wreath: 1/8 inch above the top of the pocket.  Centered (left-right) with pocket.  Star is placed inside the wreath.

Name Tag: Centered between the top of the pocket and the pocket button.

School Crest: Centered (left-right) on pocket and centered between the bottom of the pocket flap and the bottom of the pocket.

Ribbons: Center on the pocket.  Stacked from the top of the pocket.

Pins: Centered (top-bottom) between the bottom of the flap and the bottom of the pocket.  Each pin is placed 1/4 inch apart from each other.

Cords: A maximum of two cords can be worn.  If one is worn, it goes on the left.  If two are worn, the highest goes on the left.
