Wake Forest Cougar Battalion

Appropriate Wear of the Uniform
JROTC Overview
Mission of JROTC
Focus of JROTC
Program Information
Cougar Battalion History
Cadences (2)
JROTC Cadet Creed
Flag Information
Wake Forest Rolesville JROTC Uniform Policy
Male Uniforms
Female Uniforms
Uniform Inspection Grading Sheet
Appropriate Wear of the Uniform
Cadet Rank Structure
Cadet Command
Unit Awards
Shoulder Cords
Cadet of the week
Drill Team
Color Guard
Rifle Team
Saber Team
Cougar Battalion Instructors
Battalion Photos
Raider Team

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MEMORANDUM FOR:All Wake Forest Rolesville High JROTC cadets
SUBJECT: Appropriate and Inappropriate Wear of the Army Uniform
Cadets will wear their Army JROTC uniforms at authorized events as directed by the Wake Forest Rolesville High School SAI/AI or BC.
Authorized occasions include but are not limited to:
  • Weekly JROTC Uniform/Inspection day
  •  Extra-curricular activities sponsered by Wake Forest Rolesville JROTC (examples: drill meet, color guard, military ball, award ceremonies, volunteer activites where the wear of the uniform is appropriate etc.)

Inappropriate occasions include but are not limited to:

  • In and/or around political rallies or demonstrations.
  • Any occasion that will bring discredit to the U.S. Army (such as a cadet attending his/her court hearing)
  • When participating in public speeches, interviews, picket lines, rallies, or public demonstrations
  • When attending any meeting or event that is a function of, or is sponsered by, an extremist organization.
  • While at work
  • Outside the borders of the United States